What an amazing, lazy day! I spent almost the entire day in the bed watching TV/movies while Tony worked on his super-stressful project. I think I slept as much as I was awake... I had a strange craving for cucumbers around 3 this afternoon... :)
Tony got the at home Fetal Doppler that one of my work friends let me borrow. We've tried to use it before (about 2 weeks ago) with no luck. I don't think we were patient enough. Today, Tony wanted to try again. He figured we kind of knew a little better what kind of sound we were listening for. He tried for a while, then I tried for a while and just as we were about to give up, we hear a "woosh-woosh-woosh"--we found it! Little Peanut was tucked in waaaay over on the left side. Heart beat sounded good and strong! :)
I can't believe tomorrow we will be at 9 weeks! Tony asked me if I was going to read him the "baby update" tomorrow. So cute. We've found a couple of apps on the iPhone that update us every week and tell us how big baby should be and what is developing during that week. It's really amazing to see everything that goes on! Hard to believe that in just over 31 weeks, we'll have another Jaracz in the clan!
I can't believe you got to hear the heart beat. That is so neat.