Sunday, April 3, 2011

9 weeks! is 9 weeks along today! According to all (4!) of my books, we've actually got a grape sized little guy or gal on our hands, even though Peanut looks more like a big gummy bear. :)

According to those Chinese Gender Charts, it looks like we might have a boy! I know better than to think it would be that easy to figure out--just look at a chart, and there it is! I mean, it's a 50/50 shot no matter how you look at it, right? We're not worried about boy or girl--I know it sounds cliche, but we definitely just want a healthy little one. Whatever is in there, it definitely made me pass out this afternoon! I can't say it bothers me being sleepy, since it's my favorite hobby anyway!!

Tony has been working on our back door all day long. He accidentally touched a piece on the lower left corner of the door frame, and it pretty much crumbled off in his hands. He had to use all kinds of tools to get it done, and it ended up looking pretty good! He still isn't completely satisfied, so he's still out playing with it.

1 comment:

  1. We need an update. Hope you had a good weekend.
    Love, Mom
